Monday, August 11, 2008

25 Great Photography Tutorials and Links From Around the Web

here is the link :

feel free to read and get something new

This time I think you’ll agree that there’s been some wonderful tutorials written.

I’ve included 17 from other sites - 5 from our archives (this time last year) and 3 great photoshop video tutorials.

1. Make Your own BikeCAM -
A fun DIY with a video

2. 5 Ways to Hold Your Viewer’s Attention -
5 simple composition techniques

3. Transforming a Daylight Image into a Wild Night -
Photoshop tutorial

4. Nine Reasons to Manually Focus When Taking Pictures -
sometimes manual focusing is your best option

5. The Importance of focus and quick tips on how to get it right -
another focusing related tutorial

6. My Photography Workflow -
Photographer Thomas Hawk talks us through his workflow

7. The 15 Second DIY Adjustable Snoot! -
a fast DIY

8. The Nuts and Bolts of Off-Camera Flash -
first part of a four part series on off camera flash (part 2 here).

9. 8 Photography Myths Debunked -
just what the title says :-)

10. Getting Rid of Dust Spots -
Photoshopping tips

11. Flicker Flash -
How to capture movement with a series of strobe flashes

12. Introduction to Digital Photography -
10 Ways to Improve your skills

13. On Assignment: Night Chopper Pt 2 -
2nd in a series of shots taking you on a shoot of a chopper at night

14. Your Guide to Buying Old Film Cameras -
Feeling Retro? This one’s for you!

15. Seeing the Possibilities -
a great post on how to see possibilities in different locations

16. Understanding Camera Exposure Modes -
talking you through spot, evaluative and center-weighted metering.

17. Curves color enhancement tutorial -
a video screencast of GIMP in action

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